Sales & Business Development Training
An organization can realize the most immediate business results by moving the sales performance dial upward. The performance of a robust, agile and resilient sales team will have a direct impact on both bottom line results and market positioning. A sales team operating at a sustainable, peak-performance level can be an organizational game changer.
Today, the business of selling requires a thorough understanding of the competitive marketplace. In addition, effective salespeople must be able to execute on the following related knowledge principles and skills delivery:
- The relationship management model
- The nuances of the complex sale and client penetration
- The Information Funnel of Opportunity©
- Managing client relationship and client buying patterns
- Competitive differentiation and product levels
- Balanced portfolio client relationship management
In addition, every salesperson must demonstrate relevant and highly-effective selling skills. These skills are theoretical and behavioral and must be constantly reevaluated to ensure these skills are both current and can be used on demand. Like all behavioral skills, their effectiveness can diminish over time unless they are refreshed and practiced in current, relevant client scenarios.
Every salesperson, with their territories or product lines, should be viewed as either a value creator or a value eroder in the overall sales chain. Being static in a dynamic environment builds erosion into your sales process and immediately impacts business results.
Class 1: Competitive Business Development Forum
Class 2: Building and Maintaining Business Relationships – DiSC® Applications